We welcome you to Combi Plaza school in Cambodia.

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This Month's Calendar


  • 10-05-2024
    Open for New Enrolments!
  • 21-06-2022
    Enrolments are now open for 2022-2023 We are pleased to announce that we have opened enrolments for new students for the 2022-2023 Academic Year commencing on the 15th August 2022. As class sizes are small, places are very limited so urge you enrol ASAP to avoid disappointment.  Once positions are full you may be placed on a waiting list in the rare occurrence that a position may later become available.  We look forward to welcoming you to our COMBI FAMILY!
  • 17-09-2021
    School is Open for Enrollments and Tours. Please be sure to bring your vaccination cards with you. It is Mandatory.
  • 17-09-2021
    Awaiting MoEYS announcement to open On-Campus classes. Local Authority Inspection completed.
  • 16-07-2021
    New School Academic Year begins 16th August 2021
  • 16-07-2021
    Contact the office on our phone lines for our latest offerings/enrolment details Monday to Friday 8.00am – 5.00pm